Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kyle, Week of May 27th

This has been a really tough week. This battle called autism seems to be a perpetual roller coaster of emotion. Things change day by day. One day we're all doing great, the next day is a nightmare. One day Kyle is eating everything, the next day nothing. We're being heavily tested. I never thought life would be this hard. I never thought so much would weigh on my shoulders. Maybe we shouldn't bear the burden. Maybe we should surrender it to God. That would be wise....but it's not easy. He's my baby. He's my son. He's a life held in my care. I have a triumph help him fight his battle....this is war.....Kyle vs. Autism. Most kids see it that way you know.....They fight....they win battles.....they fight the war....They hate what they don't understand.....They WANT to talk.....but they can't.....they WANT to look at you....but they can't....
I cry when I think of my son, who once played with his big brother, but for the most part no longer acknowledges he exists. This week I want more than anything for him to have a friend.....but that might not happen for a while. Hope......I hope......Jesus, you are my hope. You have to be. Only YOU can cure my son. Nothing else works. 
I Love you Kyle. I hope you can actually understand that someday.......I hope we can read this together and laugh someday....laugh with joy.....laugh with peace and understanding....
High school graduations were this week. It got me thinking....I want to walk my son down the isle of his own graduation......I want to hold him in the sky and proclaim HE DID IT!!!!!! HALLELUJAH! I dream for that day....
There's nothing wrong with you Kyle....You are perfect. You are just will get better...other kids have, you will too. Just have FAITH.
You are so happy, and I'm so thankful for it. Your life is filled with joy. You find joy in the simplest of things. I thank God every day that he gave me such a happy little boy.

Matthew 14:36 and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.

Job 4:3-6

Surely you have instructed many,
      And you have strengthened weak hands.

 4 Your words have upheld him who was stumbling,
      And you have strengthened the feeble knees;

 5 But now it comes upon you, and you are weary;
      It touches you, and you are troubled.

 6 Is not your reverence your confidence?
      And the integrity of your ways your hope?


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