Wednesday, August 29, 2007

General Improvements!

Kyle has made some quite remarkable improvements, ironically, in the last two weeks. I say ironically, because he's been on a break away from the Child Developmental Center. More likely resulting in a coincidence rather than my superb skills of training (haha), Kyle has improved in meaningful speech and general response to commands. Kyle says "byebye" at appropriate times, even without prompting (or playback, aka echolalia). However, he does this on his own time, when he decides the person is worthy of saying "byebye" to. So far only his mother and his Grandpa Jim have been able to conjure up the friendly gesture. Secondly, Kyle has greatly improved in responding to the command, "Kyle come here." He immediately responds to the command with eye contact, and a sastisfying success rate of obedience (I would say 7/10 times). We look forward to many happy days ahead. Not very many parents get to celebrate as many milestones as we do. For that, I am thankful. 
Sincerely Yours,
Kyle's Daddy.     

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