Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kyle's Progress This Week

Hi Everyone!
First of all, I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS TO MY LITTLE SISTER NATALIE for being accepted into her architecture program at WSU. She has worked very hard for two years to get her grades up, after being denied admission once, to nearly 4.0 avg to be accepted. WSU's program is the toughest in the state to get into because of its reputation and the limited number of slots. So GOOD JOB NATALIE!!
Kyle's week has been pretty good. He's practically made a 100% turnaround on his diet, thanks to the tenacity of his mother. She just won't accept his 'no' for an answer. She will sit in front of him with a cold bite of mashed potatoes for an hour, shoving it in front of his mouth, until he finally decides he'll eat it. I, personally dont have the patience for I'm thankful Jana does. We bought a bunch of Gerber pureed vegetables, and he will eat those better than he will eat the vegetables in their original form. So, we're thankful he's eating SOMETHING green. I have made some pretty good meals this week, offering Kyle no excuse not to eat. Although stubborn as usual, but with his mothers persistence, Kyle will eat almost all of my GFCF meals.
Jana has started Kyle on his Methyl B12 injections this week. Her first shot was a "miss" and produced a little bubble under the skin, which most likely absorbed over night. But her second shot was a flying success. Kyle didn't even cry! The side affects appear to be mild, so we are thankful. We've heard of some crazy side affects to these injections. I would describe Kyle's behavior to be not hyperactive, but more like over active, and constantly busy. He walks around more, babbles more, jumps more, plays more....I suppose I consider hyperactive to be out of control....of which he is not. 
I have to get ready for church! 
~Kyle's Daddy.

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